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A GIRL who want to discover n remember what she been throug,,if she only counting on her own memory i think there's not gona be much,,, so here is some off the memories,,written as simple as it could be,,=p

Friday, September 5, 2008

LOVE,,LIFE,,part 2

Well I don’t know is it the right time to write this,,, but this question always come to me,,, never could explain it to any one,, once I think I had a perfect image act like I know what I’m doing but obviously I don’t,, I’m blocking my self from something by not letting any one get near to it,, “back off or I’m leaving”

Fear that’s the reason
What do u afraid off?
That’s the common question!

Prepare to answer it fie,,
How is it like to have a relationship?
Is it all about romance?
I never had a relationship before so the image that I have is what I see n what I hear,,,
I’ve seen it n I didn’t like what I see,, I don’t want to be like them,, get down in into romance giving it easily,, first holding hand’s then a simple hug,, next a kiss,, after all that happen they break up find a new one n that cycle begin again until they find a perfect one,, is it have to be like that? that’s why I’m afraid to get close to other afraid of falling in love coz when that happen I can get down in into romance,, I made a promise to my self n to god n I intend to keep that promise
Is it wrong?? If not tell me what’s right??
How does u convinced me about the real thing?
How can I be sure that u are the one?
I will not lie to my self or other that I do have passion for it but it had to wait till I’m sure
Every body wants it n I’m sure that every body does need it

I have this huge fear I don’t know if I could handle it,,
Sometime I do get so lonely n want to have someone near me,,

I have this fantasy,, a dream,, or a wish of a perfect husband
I want him to be my leader,, I want him to be m brother n closest friend what ever happen he will the first one come in my head no matter if we do have problem we still can talk about it together

Dalam hidup seorang alfi mang penuh sama yg namanya hayalan dan harapan,,
Mungkin alfi mang pemimpi she only think about what she want but not even dare to make it come true,,alfi juga termasuk orang yg egois yg sll ingin dimengerti,,mau terlihat kuat tegar n ceria tp dibalik itu sll ada rasa takut,, mungkin juga terlihat cuek or ga peduli but I always thing about what other said,,cukup cepat emosi tp bisa cepat tenang juga,,hate the feeling off left behind it’s hurt n think why do I feel hurt I’m the one made them leave isn’t it?

Ou god I just want to run away from everything n start everything again,, I will never ever could run away,, if I leave it doesn’t guarantee I will not face this thing again

I’ve never know where is this life taking me n how it’s gona happen
May be I will took the wrong step or wrong way but from that mistake I will learn something,,

Klo mau tau atau mencoba mengerti ya tanya aja lah jgn suka nebak karena cara pikir orang blm tentu sama, beda intonasi aja beda makna,,,

Huh napa jd serius gini ya,,cukup2,, (^_^)

Be the river not the watter
Buatlah jalannya dan biarkan air mengalir