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A GIRL who want to discover n remember what she been throug,,if she only counting on her own memory i think there's not gona be much,,, so here is some off the memories,,written as simple as it could be,,=p

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I can eat even I want to, I can sleep what’s wrong with me, I can think (may be ur in love) may be I’m in love.

Mayday,,mayday I need some help,,it’s fells burning in side out of my head, don’t look at me don’t stare at me, n don’t laught,

Please stop me coz I think I’m in love


Part of my life,,,every one had right to fell it but why is it feel alittle bit hurt,,a mistake happen but do I deserve to be treated like this?is it wrong being jealous?thank god every one near me or him tell’s me to see the situation clearly not just accept everything,,,physically already tired plus this brain can't stop thinking,,blame my self n like a weak girl always do cry n cry,,,dammm,,hate the situation,,,why he always could reverse the situation n make me always the one that guilty,,,looking for forgiveness that’s what I do but he doesn’t give it to me till now,,,if I see it back word I have a strong reason to do what I do but he just can’t accept it,,he make me look’s like to possessive actually I just need an explanation,,if I consider it reasonable than that’s it,,no problems,,,adios,,,I’m not a perfect girl,,I don’t even look like the ordinary girl,,some off my friend even don’t consider me as a female,,


If u looking for a girl u can take to have fun than it’s not me

If u looking for a girl who always try to make her self pretty than it’s not me

I’m a girl who look up to a serious releasonship,,if u not ready for it don’t look for me,,,


I will try to accept u the way u r but it needs time

I’m also agirl who want to be understand

2 side communication

Not hide part of u n make me guesing what is it


Try to understand what love is, is it love above all?is it the only reason to close your eye n not seeing the real world, is it love become an answer from all the question n hope that can make a happy ending, open your eye,,heart,,n see inside the truth are there's more important thing than love, what u want is not always what u needed the most,,try to open ur eye n see inside

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