about me in the blog

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A GIRL who want to discover n remember what she been throug,,if she only counting on her own memory i think there's not gona be much,,, so here is some off the memories,,written as simple as it could be,,=p

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

glow in the dark

well.. yang namanya dark dah pasti gelap tp dalam kegelapan bukan berarti ga akan ada cahaya yg muncul,,segelap apapun kehidupan yg kita jalanin pasti ada unsur cahaya yang bisa diserap dan dipancarkan kembali,,

ok,, may be i took the wrong way n lost in the dark,,while i was in that place i saw a very bright light n i use that light to lead my way,, but suddenly the light were off,,I'm being to afraid n cry,,i haven't notice that when i use that light i become depend on it,,

duh omongan gw belakangan kayanya dah rada berat,,bisa makin kurus kerempeng klo berat mulu bahasanya,,,hihihi =p intinya siy gw cm mau bilang yang namanya hidup da terang da gelap,,klo dalam keadaan terang smua mang bisa terlihat jelas,,mau ngumpet juga susah,,apalagi klo transparan bisa nerawang2 tuh,,hihihi,,tp klo lagi di gelap jgn jadiin orang lain sebagai penerang tp lo yg harus nerangin diri lo sendiri,,,serap smua cahaya yang ada n buat diri lo bercahaya,,

makin tua dah harus mikir panjang,,,ngeliat jauh kedepan,,,jgn kalut dalam emosi sesaat,,,bersikap bijak,,,berfikir jernih..
marah,,kesal,,kecewa itu juga bagian dari hidup..
apa yang lo alami skarang bisa jadi pelajaran tuk menjalani langkah selanjutnya
becarefull with ur next step..jalan ga selalu rata...

sedih di awal april tp bahagia di akhir april
new chapter Begin with a smile (^_^)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

fallin in love with a perfect fantasy

I never realize that what i feel right now is a perfect fantasy,,,n I put to much hope on that fantasy,,,that's why it's feel hurts a lot,,,now i know why i write on my book "don't hope to much or it will hurt u"

Even it was a fantasy or not i do feel happy,,glad i can feel it even just for a while,,glad that I've been treated special even it just a word,,never feel the real thing,,i don't want to forget or hate any one,,until now i can't think clear all were mix up on my head,,if i keep thinking of it i will destroy my self n i have to make a decision to hold my step,,stay put at one place collect a courage to end it

I always failed at the first attempt,,it always does,, no mater what is it i always failed,,but god also give me a second chance so i could fix everything up

when i made up my mind suddenly this cheer's come's again,,some happy feeling were back at me n fill my life again,,there is a big disappointment n sadness but at least my cheers are back coz in the last one month that cheers disappeared from my life,, i lough but not happy,, i smile but to covered my sadness,,but from now all off the cheers n smile were truth,,real n not fake (^_^)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I can eat even I want to, I can sleep what’s wrong with me, I can think (may be ur in love) may be I’m in love.

Mayday,,mayday I need some help,,it’s fells burning in side out of my head, don’t look at me don’t stare at me, n don’t laught,

Please stop me coz I think I’m in love


Part of my life,,,every one had right to fell it but why is it feel alittle bit hurt,,a mistake happen but do I deserve to be treated like this?is it wrong being jealous?thank god every one near me or him tell’s me to see the situation clearly not just accept everything,,,physically already tired plus this brain can't stop thinking,,blame my self n like a weak girl always do cry n cry,,,dammm,,hate the situation,,,why he always could reverse the situation n make me always the one that guilty,,,looking for forgiveness that’s what I do but he doesn’t give it to me till now,,,if I see it back word I have a strong reason to do what I do but he just can’t accept it,,he make me look’s like to possessive actually I just need an explanation,,if I consider it reasonable than that’s it,,no problems,,,adios,,,I’m not a perfect girl,,I don’t even look like the ordinary girl,,some off my friend even don’t consider me as a female,,


If u looking for a girl u can take to have fun than it’s not me

If u looking for a girl who always try to make her self pretty than it’s not me

I’m a girl who look up to a serious releasonship,,if u not ready for it don’t look for me,,,


I will try to accept u the way u r but it needs time

I’m also agirl who want to be understand

2 side communication

Not hide part of u n make me guesing what is it


Try to understand what love is, is it love above all?is it the only reason to close your eye n not seeing the real world, is it love become an answer from all the question n hope that can make a happy ending, open your eye,,heart,,n see inside the truth are there's more important thing than love, what u want is not always what u needed the most,,try to open ur eye n see inside

Busy month and full off tryout

After so long haven't got anything to do i got a job a shocking one,,, i joint an exhibition almost every day extend time in the office,,,come early in the morning n got back almost at midnight,,but I can make it,,even i was a little bit sleepy n have an unwell health i crush n hit the side walk n broke my motor cycle engine it's all because i want to get back home as fast as i can well the result is my have to repair my bike n the cost was so expensive for me,, it's about 300.000 rupiah that's not include oil,,,my lovely motor cycle need more attention than what it use Tobe,,

Awal masuk ke kantor itu gw ditawarinya Bantu dayat di oprasional n Bantu lomba anak,,tp job desk berubah persis 2 hr sebelum pameran,,,jd Bantu di buyer meet seller,,,awalnya gw juga ragu apa bisa gw ngerjainnya,,blm lagi tanggapan pesimis dr yg lain but I never know If I never try it,,,akhirnya dengan perasaan ragu, takut, n pasrah gw terima kerjaan itu, sebenernya karena ga bisa nolak juga siy jd diterima juga,,,

Jujur ditengah ketidaktahuan harus apa n gimana ngurus buyer permasalahan muncul satu persatu,,,dr mulai hotel yg blm di booking,,tamu yg ga kejemput di bandara bikin panic secara yg diurus tuh bule yg klo da sedikit aja yg ga beres or ga sesuai sama yg direncanakan bisa2 komplain abis2an,,,coz gw pernah ngerasain diomelin bule,,padahal bukan salah gw juga,,,itu rasanya ga enak bgt,,,

Dari smua permasalahan yg muncul itu malah buat gw bisa berfikir lebih baik, n try to organize it,,,dari mulai tlp hotel book lebih awal buat beberapa tamu yg dateng duluan sampe ngatur penjemputan si bule2 itu,,gw pikir kerjaan gw sampe disitu ternyata masih berlanjut ngurus reimburst tiket mereka,,duh tuh dolar cm numpang lewat aja,,ckckckc kapan ya punya dolar beneran,,hehheh(ngayal dikit). Masalah ternyata blm berakhir sampe disitu,,masih harus ngurusin kepulangan mereka,,,ups,,dammm,,got to coordinate again with the driver to make everything run smooth,,,the last siy kayanya cukup sukses meski banyak kendala,,,thank god again I can fulfill my duty n show them that I can do it jd jangan suka mandang sebelah mata (^^,)

Semakin diberi tanggung jawab semakin diri mikir gimana cara mengatasi permasalahannya,,,jangan takut bertanya,,,tanyalah smua orang yg memang berhubungan ma masalah yg lo alami,,ga perlu takut mengakui klo kita gatau n jangan sok tau,,gw tau gw orangnya gampang panic tp klo gw bisa sedikit nenangin diri I can find out the answer