about me in the blog

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A GIRL who want to discover n remember what she been throug,,if she only counting on her own memory i think there's not gona be much,,, so here is some off the memories,,written as simple as it could be,,=p

Thursday, May 28, 2009

kill this feeling

who r u??

suddenly came to my life
bring joy, smile n hope
u make me fly n reach the sky
u fill my life with happy thought
but all of that was fake
nothing real
u don't even dare to prove what u said
n I'm that fool to trust it

hehehe tuh kata2 sakit hati,,,
tp mahluk yg kaya gitu bisa ngerubah cara pandang orang thd orang lain
mungkin klo kata medisnya trauma
jd klo da yg ngerasa kaya gitu bagusnya diapain ya???
biasanya siy klo dah ngerasain kaya gitu anaknya jd lebih hati2 n banyak memilih intinya ga mau sakit hati kaya dulu lagi.

yg diatas analisa tanpa analisa alias asal,,hehehe
jujur gw juga ngerasa kaya gitu
klo da yg coba mendekat atau gw coba dekati ujung2nya malah mikir apa gw akan berhadapan sama fake hope lagi sampe akhirnya sampe ke kesimpulan i will not like a guy until i really know him n it work's otherwise klo lo blm bener2 kenal gw jgn coba blng suka,,,coz it not gonna work

for now only open for friendship, but after frienship become a mate siapa yg tau (^^,)

wuahahahahaha penting ya nulis itu biarin ah


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