about me in the blog

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A GIRL who want to discover n remember what she been throug,,if she only counting on her own memory i think there's not gona be much,,, so here is some off the memories,,written as simple as it could be,,=p

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

extreamly happy

what a hell off a month
hari2nya sama aja cm ga biasa,,full with happy tought ^_^
i don't want to use the word "i don't know why"coz i know the reason i just don't want to share it,, (^^,)hihihi (dateng deh pelitnya) seem's like i already reach tho the stage off happines"wuidih berat niy" my smile n happy face won't get off my face,,feel he could understand me n treated so special,,,my heart sometime beating so fast,,,dag,dig,dug n feel so free,,, free to act n say,,, feel like a woman (mang sebelumnya bukan cewe gitu?)
promise is a promise no matter how i can't broke my own promise,,maybe there will be a regret or even appear some hope,
i lock my self,, i don't even know how to open it
(no one ever find the key =p hihi =p)

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